"Search Inside Yourself" by Chade-Meng Tan

Review by Borodutch

At this moment, I feel like I've read so many books on mindfulness and MBSR that I keep running in circles with the same material repeatedly. Yeah, yeah, be nice, mindful, meditate, responsive vs. reactive, etc. "Search Inside Yourself" is the second book by Chade-Meng Tan I've read, and it mostly recycles the same material. One thing that stuck with me, though, was how to approach difficulties when communicating with others. The quick mantra "love, forgive, understand, grow with them" makes all challenges easier to approach.

It was tough to even start writing this review because the book is excellent. It covers so many things in such an understandable manner, but I've already learned all these things from the plethora of previous books on the topic. If you want to know the basics of MBSR or mindfulness in general — pick up "Search Inside Yourself." If you're already invested in the topic, SIY might be a good refresher.