"The Art of Innovation" by Tom Kelley

Review by Borodutch

"The Art of Innovation" describes the journey of Ideo — one of the most prominent US design companies. The author explains a few groundbreaking projects they did in the context of showing how their innovation process works. Overall, Ideo was breaking all the business world rules, but mostly, they did the following:

  • Treat employees with respect.
  • Allow for play in the company.
  • Flatten the hierarchy.
  • Use common sense when making decisions.
  • Use better approaches for brainstorming.
  • Prototype frequently and fearlessly.
  • Think about the end customers (also talk to them).
  • Simplify, simplify, simplify.
  • Fail fast.
  • Break rules.
  • Value user experiences.
  • Most of the things around us have friction and are broken. Remove friction and fix UX.

This is it! If you feel like work is "work" and not "fun," you're doing something wrong. Return to this book or the principles above and fix the internal processes. Is this book worth reading? Sure, I can't see how it could hurt. This is one of the rare examples when I agree with the author on almost (if not all) the points — go and do stuff; it's fun!