"The Infinite Machine" by Camila Russo

Review by Borodutch

This title is the better version of "Out of the Ether" by Matthew Leising — it tells the story so much better. "The Infinite Machine" is another book about the story of Ethereum. I was pleasantly surprised by hearing more familiar names than in "Out of the Ether" and a better factual representation of the events. However, I read "Out of the Ether" a long time ago, and my memory can simply be covering up some spots in that book.

Anyway, I'm not even sure how to describe the book because, on the one hand, I know everything from the story as I've heard it multiple times, but on the other hand, I did enjoy the author's description of events. There is much to the Ethereum founding story: World of Warcraft, hippie communal living, founders drama, Vitalik's journey from introvert to one of the most prominent speakers in the industry, the big bad hack that made us fork Ethereum, etc.

Should you read "The Infinite Machine?" Certainly! The story of Ethereum is somewhat unique among the startups, and it's always refreshing to learn that success takes many forms — sometimes entirely unexpected.