"1893 Chicago's Columbian Exposition" by Michael Finney

Review by Borodutch

First, choosing to listen to the book on Audible wasn't smart. Yet, it gave me a peculiar primer into what happened in Chicago in 1893. Also, it rekindled my interest in world fairs — why don't they happen anymore? And if they do, why do they look like a faceless homogeneous never-ending line of booths?

Without checking out the photos and paintings, one can't get a true sense of what the 1893 Columbian Exposition looked like (hey, it was still the 19th century!) However, you can go on YouTube and see plenty of materials about the fair. Most interesting of all stood the era's architectural, technological and social issues.

Architectural — due to using fire-resistant building materials (two Chicago fires later). Technological — the electricity, the Ferris wheel, and other achievements. Social — inclusivity of black and indigenous people. Overall, read this book in print (or e-book), then watch some videos on YouTube. It's such a peculiar historical event that it was a shame that I hadn't learnt about it earlier!